Gergili LLC offers preparation of the environmental documentation including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Audit Report (EAR) and others.
Below is a list of the environmental services:

Development of screening, scoping and environmental impact assessment documents
Development of the environmental documentation in accordance of the international and national legislation:
- Screening report;
- Scoping report;
- Environmental impact assessment report (EIA).

Legal services on environmental issues
Legal services on environmental issues include:
- Preparation of environmental audit report;
- Compliance of conditions of the environmental decission;
- Implementation of environmental mitigation measures;
- Participation in environmental litigation cases.

Baseline studies
Organizing of the field environmental impact assessment studies:
- Biodiversity;
- Critical habitats;
- Bat studies;
- Forest resources;
- Physical factors and others.

Development the environmental and social management system
Development of environmental and health and safety management plans (ESMS) in accordance of ISO 14001-2015:
- Waste management plan;
- Pollution prevention and control plan;
- Emergency response plan;
- Noise and vibration management plan and others.

Preparation of the environmental documentation
Services include development of documents related to environmental issues:
- Development of strategic environmental assessment report (SEA);
- Development of the water discharge document;
- Development of the air discharge document;
- Development of reinstatment management plan;
- Development of tree feelling accounting document;
- Development of the emerald site appropriate assessment (ESAA) report;
- Development of climate impact assessment report and others.

Conducting environmental trainings and instructions
Services include conducting environmental trainings and instructions:
- Principles of environmental assessment;
- Implementation of the commitments set by environmental decision;
- Waste accounting report for state;
- Importance of environmental audit;
- Arrangement the site in accordance of the environmental requirements;
- The importance of environmental issues;
- Environmental monitoring and others.